Friday, August 23, 2013


As we prepare for the arrival of Oscar, our Bullmastiff pup, I have been reading copiously about training dogs.  It has been almost a decade since last I had to train a dog (and Alf, our departed English Bull Terrier was one of the most intelligent and easily trained dogs we have ever owned so there wasn't a huge amount of work training him).

Clicker and treats at the ready!
I only recently heard about clicker training and fell in love with the whole idea and ethos of positive enforcement training and this is what I have been concentrating my mind on.  For those, who like me, haven't read much about this, basically it is where you don't use any harsh treatment in the training of your puppy and is sort of along the lines of the way we naturally taught our previous dogs but with this time with a clicker and lots of treats instead of just "good boy/girl".

We have never really gone in for that sort of treatment anyway and we have never done the "rub his nose in it" form of vile training used by some when a puppy has a little toilet accident.  I mean, have you ever seen a mother whip a dirty nappy off her baby and rub his nose in it?!  Those who believe it is the quickest way to treat a pup but I have never used it and we have had pups house trained in a fortnight simply by being ever vigilant and pre-empting "accidents" and keeping to a regular routine with the young animal.

I found this guy on the internet tab289 and am studying his training ideas as, after watching a number of his videos on youtube, I consider him to be one of the best.  His instructions are easy to follow and he really seems to have a "feeling" for dogs and dog training and in turn training those of us who want to learn his ways.

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?!